This remarkable office is located in the heart of Sofia. Where we observe an active dialogue between the classical architecture of the early 20th century and that of our days. This dialogue is at the core and luxury office design is embedded in this project. Exiting the elevators, one enters the lobby area, completely covered in marble, and from there one enters the reception, meeting rooms and offices of the company owners, covered with walnut paneling, filled with attention to every detail and element. The marble reception deck, the walls covered with wood, the modern leather sofas in almond tones emphasize the sense of style, a cozy but at the same time business environment. Remarkable works of art by contemporary authors are part of the overall atmosphere. Designed as a dynamite space, but balanced with soft tones, this part of the office contrasts with the rest, where the design is calmer, brighter, but again in warm pastel tones. In parallel with the elegant vision, a few modern systems for intelligent management of the office environment, such as lighting, air conditioning, degree of darkening of the partition showcases, are also designed.